Monday, May 28, 2012

One to Go!

As of tomorrow, it will be officially one month until I get to marry the man of my dreams!

It's hard to believe that five months has gone by so fast... when we first talked about getting married, I told Gentry he was nuts, six months was way too soon to be getting married. And here we are, a month away, and now all I wish is that it would go a little faster!
It hardly took anytime for Gentry to find his way into my heart and leave me breathless... and now he's become the most important thing in my life. I love him more than words can say, and while he may argue that he loves me more, don't believe it for a second! I love him the most, and that will never change!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

A Day with Friends

Every time Gentry and I go to St. George, we always have to go see our friends, Brandon and Courtni Loe. Gentry has known them for years since they all grew up in Delta together. He and Brandon have been best friends since high school, and when Gentry and I started dating, I was lucky enough to be inducted into the "wolf pack." Actually, Gentry told me early on that the only way our relationship would get anywhere would be if Courtni approved, because he knew she'd tell him the truth. You can imagine that it made me very nervous first time meeting her, because I really liked Gentry! But obviously she approved, and here we are.
I absolutely love Brandon and Courtni, they are so much fun to spend time with! Not to mention, they have the cutest baby girl, Savannah, who Gentry and I love to pieces. She just barely turned one, and so when we spent some time with them yesterday, we got to hang out with Savy too! 
I tell Gentry constantly that she is all the baby we need for a while!

Eating the last of her 1st birthday cake.

Grabbing a fistful!

 This is her "kissy" face. Haha

Laughing her head off at Uncle Gentry while he's talking to her: 

Sharing some cake with him...

Sticking out her tongue is one of her favorite things to do. I just had to follow suit.

You totally can't help but fall in love with this baby girl. Thanks, Brandon and Courtni for sharing!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Night Shift Creativity

I've been working a lot of night shifts lately at my work. Pretty much the one rule of the night shift is: you must stay awake! Not as easy as it seems, especially when you don't have much to do. So that when you have to get creative. I've been averaging about 2 movies a night, lots of sit-ups and jumping jacks, and then I start playing with pictures.
I'm a quote freak, I love the depth a person can create in just a simple phrase. So I added a few commonly known ones (and I few I wrote myself) onto Gentry's and my pictures together. (Hint: if you can't read them, click on the picture and it will enlarge.)

Always loved this Dr. Seuss quote:

It might be hard to believe, but I actually wrote this myself.

How I feel all the time about him:

This is actually a statement I wrote back when I was a senior in high school. I kept it forever, and then after dating Gentry a while, I happened to read over it, and couldn't believe I had found someone who had everything I had written about. 

Cannot wait 'til eternity!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

It's Finally Summer!

Though the calendar may not claim it to be summer yet, it virtually is in my mind. I finished my last final at 5:30, and as of then, summer is officially kicked off! I can't believe that the next time I'll be going to school I'll be married. It's so odd to think about, very surreal...

But I can get used to it!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Finals, moving, and work, oh my

So yes, it's that week again. The one of terrible diets, no sleep, and trying to learn everything you slept through over the past four months in two days. Yes, folks, it's finals week at SUU!

Comparatively, I suppose my finals week hasn't been horrible at all... three finals, one on Monday and two on Thursday. I'd like to just get them done so I could not worry about it, but at least this gives me time to study! (Or should I say, procrastinate studying by writing on the blog.)

Either way, Gentry and I are lucky enough that we get to work this week, all the while moving Gentry into our new apartment. I'm staying at the apartment I'm in for the next two months luckily, so I have time to slowly start moving stuff over.

Intermidst of that, I know I talk about this stuff I lot, but today the realization hit me again: I'm getting married! It's one of those things you hear about ever since you were little, and you can't wait for the day until it's your turn to be Mrs. __________. If anyone is surprised by the fact that this is actually happening, I am at the top of the list. Now that it is I am over the moon and our wedding cannot come fast enough, but I kid you not, the week before I met Gentry, I had decided to swear off guys--I was done! Not actually, but I was going to focus on school, career and getting my degree. They were top priority. Then this man walked into my life...

Don't you agree that school is not near as appealing as this handsome guy? And here we are, 4 months later, only 2 months away from becoming Mr. and Mrs. Gentry Gasser. Looking back at things now, I'm amazed at how far Gentry and I have come in such little time. It's literally like I've known him my whole life. The first week we met, I was telling him things about me that I usually never tell anyone. I talked to him so much the weekend before Christmas when I went to Lehi, even my family noticed. They must've been able to tell that this guy was special, because they didn't try to stop me. One random day I was telling my younger brother, Jameson, a little about Gentry, and he looked at me and said, "You should marry this one!" At the time I thought nothing of it, my brother teases me about guys all the time. In retrospect, Jameson now claims his words were prophetic, but that's up to interpretation. ;)
How incredible it is that I've found someone who is so easy to get along with and easy to be around? Once again, I am one lucky girl.
June 29th, here we come!